Queen's Park rally supporting striking college faculty draws big crowds (PHOTOS)

Nov 3 2017, 1:29 am

Despite the rain, thousands were at Queen’s Park in Toronto on Thursday afternoon for a rally supporting college faculty.

College faculty are now in their third week of their strike, and on Wednesday, the province announced that the Ministry of Labour mediator has called Ontario’s colleges and workers to return to the bargaining table.

According to a statement issued by the province, the mediator called the parties in the ongoing labour dispute to meet on Thursday, November 2 to resume talks.

Meanwhile, the rally organized by OPSEU wanted to send a message to the province.

“It’s time to get students back in their classrooms and get faculty back to work,” stated the OPSEU. “College faculty call on the College Employer Council to come back to the bargaining table ready to negotiate a fair contract that puts quality education first.”

Thursday’s rally was attended by OPSEU President Warren (Smokey) Thomas, Ontario NDP leader, Andrea Horwath, and president of the Ontario Federation of Labour, Chris Buckley.

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