Education minister drops string of enthusiastic PSAs about back-to-school

Sep 5 2020, 9:55 pm

Despite ongoing concerns from parents and teachers, the school year is moving forward in Ontario, and with it comes a series of very upbeat public service announcements from the province.

Posted on Saturday to Education Minister Stephen Lecce’s Twitter account, the six videos are in both French and English, giving students and parents alike a very positive delivery of what to expect in the coming year.

“As students return to school, it’s important they know how to protect themselves. Likewise, how their parents can protect their families,” Lecce wrote above the least enthusiastic video from a doctor.

The other clips feature records screeching, jump cuts, and young actors explaining to students what they can expect when they return to the classroom.

“Be prepared for people to ask how you’re feeling — a lot,” one video said. “Inside there’s going to be hand sanitizer everywhere. Use it — it’s free.”

The videos try to get students ready for the changing realities inside of schools, including everything from mask-wearing, desk distance, and outdoor learning.

“Your classmates are your cohort, or as I like to call them, ‘school bubble buddies,'” another video reports. “You’re going to do everything with just them.”

The PSAs follows recently released guidelines for Ontario parents with children returning to school, laying out the information about what to expect in detail.

Peter SmithPeter Smith

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