Where to find a election ballot dropbox site in Portland

Oct 23 2020, 6:54 pm

We’re just over a week away from the 2020 US presidential election, and Oregonians have a few ways to vote safely. Mail-in voting and dropbox locations have been a long-standing practice in Oregon.

There are a couple of specific tools that will help you find out where to drop off your ballots. Multnomah County has an interactive Google map that will give you an overview as to where you can find Portland’s dropbox locations.

You can see the whole list of Portland drop-off sites on the MultCo website.

If you’re outside of Portland, you can use the Oregon Election Office and the Secretary of State website, which provides the 2020 voting ballot dropbox search tool for your Oregon address.

If you have not yet received your ballot, contact your local election office.

Oregonians can use mail-in voting systems until the deadline,Ā Tuesday, October 27, which is a week prior to Election Day. In addition, you can use this ballot tracking tool to keep tabs on where your vote ballot is.

Wyatt FossettWyatt Fossett

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