The Weather Network releases its early Halloween forecast for Calgary

Oct 24 2019, 4:42 pm

With your costume just one week away from being worn, The Weather Network has released its first Halloween forecast for Calgary.

According to the Weather Network, “some Canadians might be pleasantly surprised at the relative tranquility as we approach Halloween, while others might just screech in horror. The weather might be as polarizing as our love-hate relationship with candy corn.”

The Prairies are expected to remain dry, though “temperatures are nearly certain to be below freezing when trick-or-treaters begin their journeys,” according to the Weather Network.

“You’ll need the warmest Halloween costumes in Canada if you reside here, with the coolest temperature anomalies forecast for the lower half of the Prairie provinces.”


Halloween forecast (The Weather Network)

Taking a look at the seven day forecast, next Thursday proves to be a chilly one with a low of -3°C throughout the night and a high of 5°C that feels a little closer to 2°C during the day.

Though the national Halloween forecast predicts a relatively dry October 31 for the Prairies, Calgary may actually see a few snowflakes fall on trick-or-treaters, with a 40% chance of the white stuff — though if it does fall, it’ll likely be less than 1 cm.


Calgary weather this Halloween (The Weather Network)

So maybe thrown on a sweater underneath this year’s outfit, just in case!

Chandler WalterChandler Walter

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