Vancouver weather forecast includes sun, rain, and SNOW this week

Feb 14 2018, 4:18 am

There’s mixed bags of weather, and then there’s winter in Vancouver.

Yes, after a sun-filled Family Day weekend, it looks the weather this week will be keeping us on our toes.

First, let’s start with the snow. Yes, you read that correctly.

According to Environment Canada, the rain that is forecast to fall throughout Metro Vancouver today could potentially turn to snow in some parts of the region by tomorrow.

Environment Canada

Wednesday’s mixed bag of weather (which includes sun and rain as well) will then be followed by what looks to be pretty solid sunshine (with a few clouds mixed in for good measure) on both Thursday and Friday.

Despite the forecasted snow, temperatures throughout the week look like they will hold steady around the mid single-digits during the day, and hove just above the freezing mark during the night.

So while it looks like Old Man Winter may be planning to drop by our city to share some winter-like weather, we can all take comfort in the fact that it looks like his stay will be short-lived.

Still, it’s a good idea to prepare for the possibility of mixed conditions when making plans this week.

And hey, if you don’t like what the weather is currently doing, just wait five minutes…

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