Vancouver-based business works towards eliminating period pain

Aug 3 2021, 5:16 pm

The LGBTQ+ Business Spotlight is a collaboration between Pride Vancouver and Daily Hive. Together, we’re turning the spotlight onto local businesses, organizations, and individuals who are supporting the Pride community.

Period pain is no fun, and this Vancouver-based small business is on a mission to help eliminate period pain for all who experience it.

Somedays creates safe, natural, effective products that relieve period pain and other symptoms. 

“We are working towards a future where people feel empowered to transform their relationship to period pain and find beauty in relief,” said Domunique Lashay, co-founder of Somedays in an interview with Daily Hive.

Not only is their goal is to eliminate period pain but also to work towards a world where periods are better understood.

“We envision a world in which people have easy access to education, professionals, and product options to help them better understand their period and their bodies and build healthier routines so they can live a more pain-free life,” said Lashay.

The inspiration for Somedays came out of their founding team’s direct experience living with chronic pain, which is why they believe their products work.


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“Founded by a group of friends who live with chronic pain and endometriosis, we are deeply passionate and personally invested in the advancement of holistic period care,” she said.

“The daily reality of navigating life with chronic pelvic pain and being unable to fully participate in our own lives due to the lack of adequate support or solutions inspired us to start creating our own.”

They shared personal stories of duct-taping heat pads to their stomachs, almost being kicked out of school and getting fired from their jobs — inspiring them to participate in their own liberation from chronic period pain.

The somedays founding team is also a mix of queer, Black, disabled, gender diverse entrepreneurs which “compels [them] to prioritize and advocate for social justice in everything [they] do.

“Our collective queer identity specifically propels us to speak fiercely and openly about sexual, and gender-related equity issues and highlight the lived realities of our queer community and the intersections that exist within it,” she said.

“Although we strive to celebrate and highlight queerness all year round, pride represents a time of year for us to lean even deeper into that celebration and share our stories with a larger community.”


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Somedays has four categories of products on their website: Heat Therapy, Bath Therapy, Topicals, and Consumables with a big rollout of additional relief options coming this fall.

The team at Somedays has fully tested their products to make sure they are backed by the principles of muscle recovery, and rooted in embodiment and trauma-informed care.

The primary founder of somedays Lux Perry has a professional background in sports recovery and after doing some initial research, product development, and testing they found that muscle recovery could very effectively alleviate period pain.

“It could be used as a tool to understand and educate people about what is actually happening in their bodies when they’re experiencing period cramps,” said Lashay.

Lashay told us that people with periods will spend an average of 10 years on their period, which is 3,500 days of bleeding.

“That’s a lot of time spent in pain for the 80% of people with periods that report having moderate to severe pain during their cycle. That’s like sitting on the sidelines for 10 entire years for some of us,” she said.

“If you believe that people with periods and predominantly women (because this is very much a gender equity issue) deserve to have the opportunity to actively participate in their lives then you believe in our mission.”


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Somedays is also deeply rooted in supporting the community.

“We’re really unapologetic in our mission to radicalize care and ensure that nobody gets left behind which means we’ve got an incredible community that we are in deep reciprocity with. We support them and they support us – and we’re deeply grateful for that,” said Lashay.

Their role as queer-entrepreneurs is to shine a light on all the “darkest corners of capitalism,” and to make sure they continue to show up with love for the community that supports them.

“Who you are and what you have experienced is your single greatest differentiator. It’s both possible and imperative that we dream big and remember that building big, successful organizations while being queer, racialized, gender diverse, neurodiverse etc. is revolutionary.” 

You can shop Somedays online on their website or through their Instagram.  

You can also check out the highly anticipated 2021 VanPrideFest unveiled by the Vancouver Pride Society. The festivities are taking place now until August 3, the celebration itself will include over 60 events, including in-person and virtual experiences. Tickets are on sale make sure to grab yours here.

Negin NiaNegin Nia

+ Venture
+ Health & Fitness
+ Entrepreneurs