Only one other November has been as rainy as this one in Vancouver

Dec 1 2017, 5:19 am

If this November felt particularly rainy to you, then you’re not alone, because it was.

In fact, according to Environment Canada, the amount of rain this past month tied with Vancouver’s previous rain record for November, which was set back in 1953.

Total rainfall at Vancouver International Airport measured 192.2mm.

There was so much rain in fact, that a rainfall warning was even necessary at one point.

And while it did rain a lot and a record was tied, the amount of rain isn’t actually too far from the normal amount of 188.9 mm the region typically receives during the month.

Sunshine on the way

For those who feel that it’s time for a break from all the rain, you’re in luck.

While the rain will stick around for a few more days, the sun is set to shine over Metro Vancouver early next week.

So take heart, Vancouverites: It appears that there is sunshine after the rain and that grey skies are in fact, going to clear up. (If just for a short while at least.)

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