5 running myths that can impact your performance

Jul 28 2016, 12:02 am

The massive SeaWheeze Half Marathon is just around the corner and now, more than ever this summer, runners are searching for the best training tips. But with so many out there, you’re bound to find inaccurate information that can bring your running results down.

Daily Hive sat down with Vega’s RHN Bridgette Clare to debunk the top five training myths that can impact your run.

Myth 1: You have to only run to be a runner.

Vary your training with other types of fitness to help improve your overall fitness. The stronger you are in the four pillars of fitness – balance, strength, cardio and endurance – the stronger a runner you’ll be.

Performing functional, body-weight exercises can help you build on these pillars. Try body-weight lunges, squats, planks, burpees, or strength training class. Interval training like indoor cycling will work your quads, hamstrings, core, glutes, and arms. Also check out FuelYourBetter for nutrition articles and training tips.

Myth 2: You only have to worry about hydration during your run.

Quench your thirst every day, not just race day. The days leading up to your run and the days afterward are equally important. Drink plenty of fluids and consume foods that contain plenty of water, such as watermelon. For a simple way to help support hydration, get to sipping on Vega Sport® Electrolyte Hydrator.

Myth 3: Running in a group will slow you down.

You run because you love it. It clears your mind and gets you in the zone. It’s your time but that doesn’t mean you have to run alone. Running in a group doesn’t have to slow you down. Find a running group that inspires and motivates you to run stronger and get your #RunSquad game strong. 

Myth 4: You have to run every day.

Rest days won’t hinder your progress. Having a well-rested body can help you perform your best. Whatever your training plan looks like, build in some rest days. Go on a light walk, take a pilates or yoga class, and rest your body to recover. Before you know it, you’ll be hitting the pavement hard on your next training day.

Myth 5: You have to carb-load the night before your race.

Carbs can be beneficial for endurance athletes working out for significantly more than 60 minutes or twice a day. Carb-load not only the night before but also pre-run, during, and post run. They’re a great source of energy, just be sure you’re selecting the right ones.

Have a carb and veggie focused meal the night before. Try rice, potatoes or quinoa and simple carbs like dried and fresh fruits on race day. Your glycogen stores will be topped up this way. The race is early so even if you have pre-run jitters, fuel up with oatmeal with dried fruit. As you begin to reach your start time, get in the zone with Vega Sport® Pre-Workout Energizer.

Once you hit the finish line on August 13, Bridgette will be at SeaWheeze, on the bike, with a live DJ and cheering you on with Saje + Spin SocietyVega will be taking care of recovery at the finish line with protein smoothies.

Want to get shaking now? Whip up this high-protein smoothie made with 30 grams of protein from a complete, multi-source plant-based protein blend.

Strawberries and Cream smoothie recipe

Image: Vega

Image: Vega


  • 1 serving of Vanilla Vega Sport® Performance Protein
  • 1 1/2 cup cup Silk® Creamy Cashew or coconut milk
  • 1 cup frozen strawberries


Blend until smooth and enjoy post-workout.

Note: Consult your health care provider before starting any exercise regimen.

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