Trump tells Arizona crowd 'we'll end up probably terminating NAFTA'

Aug 23 2017, 8:01 pm

During a campaign-style rally last night in Phoenix, Arizona, President Trump discussed his administration’s current formal renegotiation of NAFTA with both Canada and Mexico.

After referencing the US withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), Trump introduced NAFTA by saying, “And you know that one of the worst deals that anybody in history has ever entered into, we have begun formal renegotiation with Mexico and Canada on NAFTA.”

See also

And while Trump has never hidden his disdain for NAFTA, just two days into the formal renegotiation of the deal he told the crowd last night, “Personally, I don’t think we can make a deal, because we have been so badly taken advantage of, they have made such great deals, both of the countries, but in particular Mexico, that I don’t think we can make a deal. So I think we’ll end up probably terminating NAFTA at some point.”

He went on to add that “I personally don’t think you can make a deal without a termination but we’re going to see what happens, OK? You’re in good hands, I can tell you.”

Earlier this year, Trump backed away from threats of terminating the deal and instead agreed to its renegotiation.

You can watch Trump’s comments in full below.

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