Anti-Trump rally planned for next weekend in downtown Toronto

Nov 12 2016, 1:33 am

Many Canadians are not happy with how the US elections turned out.

And they’re not simply going to sit around and shake their heads in silence. Many of them are also planning to hit the streets to shout and shake their fists in the air too.

So it’s no surprise that more than 500 people have already said they’re going to participate in an anti-Trump rally in downtown Toronto next Saturday, November 19. Nearly 2000 more people have indicated they’re ‘interested’ in attending. And with another week to build momentum (and for Trump to keep on Tweeting through) we won’t be surprised if this number goes much higher.

Should you want to participate in the peaceful protest, here are the details according to the Facebook event page:

We will be gathering to peacefully protest Donald Trump’s legitimacy as US President, and to demonstrate how his, and any hateful rhetoric is unacceptable today. We as Canadians will help our neighbors by showing that misogyny, racism, homophobia, xenophobia, sexism, sexual assault, ableism, transphobia and violence are absolutely intolerable.

Trump’s campaign and victory points to a frightening and problematic cultural landscape, and this is something that we don’t need a US citizenship to help effect change on.

Since we are so closely culturallyg tied to the US, it is also something we need to actively prevent from effecting us: Keep the hate and fear out of our culture and our politics. Support and show love for those people and groups that he has alienated and degraded.


12:00 – Meet at the park to make signs (please bring supplies)
1:00 – Rally at city hall
2:00 – March down to Trump tower

All are welcome to join and PEACEFULLY participate!

It’s getting chilly out there so remember to dress warmly 🙂

See also
DH Toronto StaffDH Toronto Staff

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