Portland Ghosts is offering livestream tours for a safe spooky season

Oct 26 2020, 11:21 pm

One of the premier walking ghost and historical storytelling tour companies, Portland Ghosts, has the solution you need for a safe and quarantined Halloween spooktacular.

While the Oregon Health Authority suggests that Oregonians maintain an unprecedented and less traditional Halloween season, Portland Ghosts is joining up with GhostFlix and US Ghost Adventures to bring you the spooks right to your screen.

“In light of COVID-19, we decided to feature live video ghost tours through the streets of over 20 cities,” reads the Portland Ghosts website. “Then, we loved the idea of allowing everyone anywhere to take a ghost tour without traveling, and decided to make this a normal part of our offering.”

Better yet, GhostFlix is bringing you tours from all over the United States, live and online. Check out this trailer.

For a more hands-on scare, Portland Ghosts is offering up Lily — think Elf on a Shelf, but terrifying — to those who want something in their own home that will cause a fright.

“Historians have tracked Lily’s background to the early 1600s, unearthing reports of occult practices, pagan rituals, and warding rights imported from Europe by the Dutch Colonists of Lower Manhattan.”

“Lily isn’t just a doll,” continues the product description. This not-a-doll may not be for the faint of heart. “She’s a supernatural effigy and powerful magic charm crafted to keep away the forces of darkness and stop malicious entities coming into your home.”

For more information on the doll of your nightmares, or to get tickets for the virtual live non-walking ghost tour, head over to the Portland Ghosts website.

Wyatt FossettWyatt Fossett

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+ Halloween