It’s going to be so hot in Montreal this weekend they cancelled a marathon

Sep 21 2017, 4:33 am

The Rock ‘n’ Roll Oasis Montreal Marathon has been cancelled due to the extreme heat predicted for this weekend. 

“After consultation with medical officials and city partners, the Rock ‘n’ Roll Oasis Montreal Marathon & 1/2 Marathon organizers have made the difficult decision to cancel the 42.2km distance the due to the adverse conditions,” said marathon organizers on the event’s website.

“The unseasonably hot and humid weather forecasted for Sunday led the event’s organizers to make changes to the event schedule with the full support and understanding of their partners.”

According to The Weather Network, this Sunday’s temperature will feel like 39°C.

The Weather Network

The Weather Network

The half-marathon and 10 km events will still take place in the morning. The half-marathon will take place one hour earlier at 7:30 am.

Saturday’s 5 km and P’tit Marathon will take place as planned.

Marathon (42.2k) runners will have the option of running the 21.1 km, transferring to another open Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon Series event, or receiving a registration refund. Runners will receive updated information via email, social media and the Rock ‘n’ Roll website.

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