Canadian woman could go blind after getting eyeball tattooed (PHOTOS)

Sep 29 2017, 6:43 am

WARNING: If you’re the type of person who gets squeamish over photos then you might want to look away now.

That’s because Catt Gallinger’s story is every bit as gross as it sounds.

Gallinger, who is from Ottawa, has shot to internet infamy this week after posting pictures of a tattoo gone wrong.

But this is no ordinary tattoo. Instead it’s a Sclera tattoo, or to put it in layman’s terms, she had her eyeball tattooed!

Catt Gallinger / Facebook

“As it stands I will have to see a specialist and am at risk of being blind if it doesn’t get corrected,” Gallinger wrote on Facebook, revealing the severity of the problem. “This was caused by undiluted ink, over injection, not enough/smaller injections sights. There are multiple people who can attest that my aftercare was good and any other part of what I am saying.”

Catt Gallinger / Facebook

Gallinger also warned other people to do their research before undergoing a similar procedure.

“I am NOT sharing this with you to cause trouble, I am sharing this to warn you to research who you get your procedures by as well as how the procedure should be properly done. I have been to the hospital three times, I had no furry pets to cause any dander, and I wash my hands every time I do anything with my eye, both before and afterwards. I was on antibiotic drops for the first week and a half and have been on steroid drops for four days now, with little success at bringing down the internal swelling. The external swelling lasted for almost a week… Just please be cautious who you get your mods from and do your research. I don’t want this to happen to anyone else.”

Catt Gallinger / Facebook

Gallinger’s post has been shared more than 3,500 times and she has continued to post photos updating her condition.