Head of Instagram says new format an 'accident', all accounts back to normal

Dec 28 2018, 1:30 am

Users awoke to a very different Instagram look on Thursday morning — and they were not happy.

The feed design had been altered from the standard vertical scrolling to a new horizontal, ‘story’-like design, akin to Tinder.

The update made tapping the left or right sides of the screen the singular method for revealing new posts.

The Internet flocked to Twitter using the hashtag #Instagramfail and wondered how to change back to the previous, familiar version of the app.

After the slews of complaints came pouring in, the automatic update was reversed for all users.

The head of Instagram, Adam Mosseri, tweeted a response, explaining that the drastic change was “a very small test that went broad by accident.”

He added that the company is ” always trying new ideas.”

The Instagram faithful stuck around Twitter a tad longer, pleased to see everything returned to normal.

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