Poll shows United Conservative Party favoured in Alberta

Nov 29 2017, 5:57 am

An Insights West poll has shown that if a provincial election were held being held “tomorrow,” the United Conservative Party (UCP) would likely come out on top.

The poll was conducted between November 21 and 24 by surveying 701 adult Albertans and being weighed against Canadian census figures for age, gender, and regions.

See also

Insights West found that 47% of those surveyed would be voting for the UCP in a hypothetical next-day election, with only 33% and 10% voting for Alberta’s NDP and the Alberta Liberal Party, respectively.

The Alberta Party found only 7% of the 701 surveyed.

According to the poll, Albertans aged 35 to 54-years-old likely would vote UCP, with 53% of that age group favouring the party, along with those over 55 – a full 57% of their vote.

The numbers dropped off when looking at those aged 18 to 34, where the NDP came out ahead – gaining the favour of 46% of those surveyed in that age range.

Even though the UCP is shown to be leading in this poll, it is actually a drop from one year ago.

2016’s poll showed 61% of decided voters surveyed choosing to vote for the Wildrose Party or the Progressive Conservatives, according to vice president of public affairs at Insights West, Mario Canseco, in a release.

“The current level of support for the UCP is 14 points lower, and their rivals have improved their standing,” he said in the release.

The 30th Alberta general election will be held on or before May 31, 2019.

Chandler WalterChandler Walter

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