AHS warns about possible tuberculosis outbreak at a Calgary daycare

Oct 5 2016, 2:35 am

Alberta Health Services (AHS) have notified families and staff who go to and work at a Calgary daycare of a potential tuberculosis outbreak.

AHS says they may have been exposed to a case of active, infectious tuberculosis but that this is not an ongoing risk to the daycare staff or attendees, or the general public.

Alberta health officials have defined Tuberculosis (TB) infection as an infection caused by a bacterium called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The infection occurs when TB germs are inhaled into the lungs. In most cases, the TB germs inhaled into the lungs remain inactive, and do not cause symptoms of illness.


Health officials have not and will not release the name of the impacted daycare, saying in a release that, “all impacted daycare attendees and staff are being notified directly and there is not a risk to other individuals.”

A link to more information on tuberculosis has been posted on their website.

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