Bernie Sanders endorses NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh days before election

Sep 17 2021, 7:12 pm

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh just received a major endorsement ahead of Monday’s election from former US presidential candidate Bernie Sanders.

In a post on Twitter on Friday morning, Sanders called Singh a courageous leader who would “make the wealthy pay.”

The endorsement comes a day after Liberal leader Justin Trudeau received an endorsement from former US President Barack Obama.

Sanders expressed his support for the NDP party in the same tweet.

Canada votes this Monday, and Sanders said that Singh needs all the help he can get.

Singh is currently lagging in poll projections behind Trudeau’s Liberals and Erin O’Toole’s Conservatives, who are currently locked in a dead heat.

Singh responded to the endorsement on Friday afternoon.

Amir AliAmir Ali

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