Metro Vancouver International Women's Day event "zoom-bombed" with pornography

Mar 7 2021, 6:57 pm

A social service’s organization in Richmond had its International Women’s Day celebration “zoom-bombed” with pornography.

The Richmond Women’s Resource Centre said that the key-note speech of the virtual event, which was held on March 6, was disrupted by “sexist, racist, ageist, vulgar and pornographic comments, images, and sounds.”

“This incident is particularly troubling because of the personal and intrusive nature of the zoom-bombing,” the centre said in a release.

Michelle Yuen, the centre’s Vice President, said on social media that she was “appalled and sick” by the zoom-bombing.

Richmond City Council member Alexa Loo said that the incident underscores the importance of the work done by the centre.

“To the misogynist INCEL who thought it would be funny to hack our IWD2021 Zoom event: It wasn’t funny,” Loo tweeted.

“Thank you for highlighting the importance of the work done by the Women’s Resource Centre. We need to lift each other up to make our world better.”

Founded in 1976, the centre provides resources, support, and training to women throughout Richmond. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, its programs have moved online.

“The Richmond Women’s Resource Centre denounces sexism, racism, ageism and discrimination in all forms,” the centre said.

“As evidenced by this event, our Centre is needed more than ever.”

Zoe DemarcoZoe Demarco

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