Course package helps you master the ins-and-outs of Microsoft Excel

Aug 6 2020, 7:00 pm

Microsoft Excel is a deceptively powerful application.

At first glance, it might look like nothing more than a simple spreadsheet tool, a way to track basic information with a few automatic formulas.

But this ubiquitous software is so much more than that — and employers know it. Did you? About eight in 10 mid-level jobs require digital skills, including advanced knowledge of programs like Microsoft Excel.

Companies chase people who know Excel for a reason. Mastering the app means you’ll be able to perform all sorts of tasks that will make you more efficient and productive for the company. It just might get you paid more, too.

If you’re hoping to upgrade your skills this year (there’s no better time than the present), check out the Premium A to Z Microsoft Excel Bundle, featuring Alan Jarvis and Chris Dutton.

This online training contains a seemingly endless supply of content that can turn you from a novice to a complete pro. Taught by top instructors, you’ll get expert knowledge across 43 hours of education, all geared at teaching you how to master the software.

Start with simple courses, like Excel Pro Tips: Productivity Tools and Excel Pro Tips: Data Visualization, that will walk you through some basic functions and show you how to get the most out of them.

As you start to feel more comfortable working with the app, you can dive into advanced classes. Check out Microsoft Excel: Advanced Formulas & Functions or Advanced Microsoft Excel Training to see what the program is capable of when you truly know your way around it.

The Premium A to Z Microsoft Excel Bundle featuring Alan Jarvis and Chris Dutton contains 760 lessons that will help you master every aspect of Excel and make yourself more appealing to employers. Thanks to a price drop, you can get the bundle now for $52.99 These are skills that you’ll need for nearly any modern job; learn them while they’re 97% off.

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