Weird weather: Toronto was three times hotter than Vancouver yesterday (PHOTOS)

Feb 25 2017, 3:31 am

Even though it didn’t quite snow as much as some weather reports had suggested yesterday, Vancouver was still gripped by low temperatures and a healthy splattering of hail.

See also

It’s not exactly surprising for a late winter’s day in our city’s ever changing weather cauldron, what is surprising however is that our friends out East enjoyed a balmy day with temperatures almost three times higher than those in Vancouver.

Yes, while we were busy putting on layers, Torontonians were stripping them off as the city basked in record-breaking 17.7°C temperatures. 

The record-breaking heatwave was the highest temperature ever recorded in Toronto during February. Indeed, before yesterday the warmest February 23 in the city’s history was back in 1984 when the high reached a very spring-like 14.9°C.

Contrast that with Vancouver however, where the mercury reached the heady highs of just 6°C and you’d be forgiven for thinking the world had been turned on its head.

I mean, what’s next? Will Tornontonians start going to work in yoga pants? Will they start smoking copious amounts of weed? Will they start supporting an overrated hockey team that’s never going to make the playoffs (oh wait, no that’s already happened).

Yesterday in Vancouver

Pls stop. | – – #beautifulbc #bc #explorebc #vancity #dailyhivevan #snow #almostfriday

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Yesterday in Toronto

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