IHIT to announce ‘significant’ developments in Marrisa Shen homicide investigation today

Sep 10 2018, 9:11 pm

UPDATE: Police have charged a 28-year-old man with the murder of Marissa Shen


The Integrated Homicide Investigation Team (IHIT) will be announcing “significant developments” in the Marrisa Shen homicide investigation on Monday morning.

Just two months ago, the IHIT said there were no suspects identified in connection with the case.

Last year, the 13-year-old Burnaby teenager was killed in Central Park. She was last seen at home on Tuesday, July 18, 2017.

Police began looking for Shen just after 11:30 pm, and discovered her body in the southeast side of the park at around 1:10 am on the morning of July 19.

By July 2018, the IHIT had received over 200 tips from the general public and spoken to nearly 1,300 residents in the area.

In April, IHIT announced they had developed a criminal profile of the persons responsible.

Criminal profilers believe the unknown offender may have lived near Central Park on July 18, 2017. They also added the following details about the potential suspect(s):

  • Unexpectedly moved (permanently or temporarily)
  • Uncharacteristically avoided the Central Park area
  • Withdrew from social or family activities
  • Missed work or scheduled appointments
  • Showed suicidal gestures or attempts
  • Showed interest or special attention to the media coverage related to Marrisa Shen`s death
  • Increased or decreased his or her drug and/or alcohol use

IHIT has also dedicated a separate website to the Shen investigation. Updates and video footage of Shen’s last whereabouts can be found on the site.

With files from Simran Singh.

See also
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