All new PRESTO cards will now be black

Oct 3 2017, 2:05 am

There’s a new PRESTO card in town.

The slick black PRESTO cards have been delivered to some Shoppers Drug Mart locations in Toronto as part of Metrolinx’s larger organizational branding strategy, spokesperson Anne Marie Aikins confirmed to Daily Hive.

Aikins said that Metrolinx will gradually replace all cards with the newly branded ones, which feature a simplified design and a black and white colour palette.

The redesigned cards, which will work the same as the existing green ones, are considered by the transit agency to be a better it for all agencies that use PRESTO in the GTHA and Ottawa. The cards are the same price, and will continue to be $6 for either colour.

As for the cost to Metrolinx, although it was part of our overall branding strategy which is reportedly $250,000, there was no additional cost associated with producing the new cards. 

Courtesy of Metrolinx

Metrolinx began rolling out the new cards in Toronto only at the start of October, and it will gradually expand to more locations. The black cards are exclusively available at Shoppers, and by the end of the month, it’s expected that there will be more locations carrying the latest transit card.

While we know there might be a lot of interest in our new black cards in Toronto and beyond, production is just starting,” according to Metrolinx. “We will let customers know when we plan to roll out to more regions in the near future.”

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