This is how much it currently costs to rent a 1-bedroom and 2-bedroom apartment in Toronto

Sep 15 2016, 4:35 am

The good news?

It will currently cost you less – on average – to rent either a 1-bedroom or 2-bedroom apartment in Toronto than it would have a month ago.

The bad news? It’s still hella expensive.

According to apartment hunting website PadMapper, the median rent for a 1-bedroom in Toronto in September is $1,320, down from $1,330 in August and $1,350 in July.

See also

Yes, we know, $30 in two months isn’t exactly worth a celebration. But hey, if you did want to celebrate that extra $30 could buy you a couple bottles of wine to do so. Just saying.

Meanwhile, the median rent for a 2-bedroom apartment in Toronto in September is $1,680, down from $1,720 in both August and July but still $30 more than it would have cost you in June when PadMapper first started releasing this kind of data.

These prices are good enough to make Toronto the second most expensive city to rent an apartment in Canada, behind only Vancouver.

Below you’ll find the top 20 most expensive cities in Canada to rent a 1-bedroom or 2-bedroom apartment in as well as how much that cost has fluctuated over the past 30 days:

Eric WainwrightEric Wainwright

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