A fire broke out at the CN Tower early this morning

Aug 16 2017, 7:05 pm

The CN Tower was lit this morning – and it wasn’t because Drake was sitting on its pod to shoot an album cover.

According to the Toronto Fire Service, a smouldering fire broke out in the antenna mast shortly after 4 am this morning.

You might not have heard about it immediately because many over-the-air TV feeds and radio channels were affected by the antenna’s outage. More than 30 television and FM radio stations send and receive signals to the antenna.

The fire has since been extinguished after approximately 30 firefighters were called to the scene. It started in the 102-metre mast above the sky pod, presumably after a tar substance started to burn in one of the antenna feeds.

See also

No one was particularly alarmed by the occurrence. Cleaning crew continued their work after the alarm sounded, and CN Tower officials said neither public safety nor the structure itself were threatened.

Nevertheless, a little unsettling to start the day.

The fire ranks as the tallest in Canadian history.

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