Winds of up to 150 km/h expected for areas just south of Calgary

Jan 4 2019, 12:49 am

Your umbrellas don’t stand a fighting chance.

Environment Canada issued a wind warning at 4:28 am Thursday morning for the region of Okotoks, High River, and Claresholm that called for gusts between 120 and 150 km/hour.

See also

That means that, at its strongest, Thursday’s wind would be getting a speeding ticket on every single one of Alberta’s highways, would outpace Back to the Future’s Delorean by about 5 miles per hour, and any hat, umbrella, or lonely leaf caught in the wind will travel at roughly 40 metres per second — so good luck chasing that one down.

Naturally, winds as powerful as these can be expected to bring some damage in their wake, and Environment Canada is warning Albertans to keep an eye on tree branches that may fall, roof shingles that may come loose, and anything that could potentially be swept up and hurled at your face at 150 km/h.

It is recommended to store or anchor objects that could potentially come loose and to be cautious on the roads, as tall vehicles are at risk of being overturned by the wind.

Kananaskis Country is also facing a wind warning, though with just at only 100 km/hour, and Nordegg is seeing the same, though will be facing a measly 90 km/hour.

The strong winds across the province are expected to subside by Friday morning.

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