Calgary can expect a temperature shift of 20°C between now and the weekend

Jan 9 2019, 1:36 am

In true Calgary fashion, the weather forecast appears to be all over the place this week.

The freeze we’ve been seeing over the past few days will continue into Wednesday, according to Environment Canada, though the chilling -9°C air will be joined by “periods of ice pellets”… so unless you’ve got an umbrella made out of titanium, we’d suggest staying indoors.

See also

The temperature will drop even lower on Wednesday night down to -13°C, but that night appears to be the final freeze for the rest of the week.

temperature shift

Calgary weather this week (Environment Canada)

Thursday through Monday appear to be nothing but (relatively) warm days and bright, clear skies, coming to a climax on Saturday when the gauges will reach all the way up to the double digits at 11°C — meaning that between Wednesday and Saturday, Calgary will see a temperature shift of 20°C.

We wouldn’t go throwing away your parkas and toques just yet, however, as the nights will still drop to around 0°C, and there’s really no knowing what’s around the corner weather-wise out here in YYC.

So, be sure to enjoy that sunshine while you can.

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