Here's how Calgary reacted to the Olympic plebiscite results

Nov 14 2018, 11:59 am

Calgary’s hopes of hosting the 2026 Winter Olympics have finally ended.

The city-wide plebiscite hammered the final nail into the coffin on a bid process that had been plagued with City Council disputes, last-minute funding agreements, and heated division between Calgarians.

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With the plebiscite’s unofficial results stating that 171,750 Calgarians (56.4% of voters) cast their ballots against an official bid, the long process is finally coming to its end.

There were many people anxiously awaiting the announcement of the unofficial results on Tuesday night, and due to the City of Calgary’s new tabulator voting process, the results were announced once they were all counted, rather than the usual process of announcing percentages as polling station numbers come in.

The City of Calgary posted a tweet at 9:37 pm stating that they would be announcing the results “within the next 15 minutes,” which had Calgarians refreshing their Twitter feeds for the next 20 minutes.

At 9:55 pm, the city announced the unofficial results that the NO side had won, and Calgarians on Twitter were unsurprisingly both enthused and disappointed.

And some people were just happy that the plebiscite saw such a large turnout, with 304,774 Calgarians casting a ballot one way or the other.

See also
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