Air quality statement remains in effect for Calgary

Sep 8 2017, 11:43 pm

A special air quality alert remains in effect over Calgary, just as the smoky haze has been stubbornly standing its ground in the skies above the city.

At 10:22 am Friday another statement was released from the Government of Canada for the City of Calgary, urging people to remain indoors, away from the poor air quality brought on by wildfire smoke.

See also

This is nothing new for Calgarians this summer, as the smoke from BC’s wildfires has caused 2017 to become Calgary’s smokiest year in history.

The Alberta Environment and Parks website has the city’s current Air Quality Health Index at a seven: high risk for all, but especially for seniors, children, and those already suffering from asthma or other respiratory problems.

Alberta Environment and Parks also encourages people to avoid or reschedule strenuous outdoor activities, as increased breathing of air outdoors may worsen the effects. The website predicts an Air Quality Health Index of five for tomorrow, and there is hope that a chance of rain may disperse the smoke from the city this weekend.

air quality

Calgary’s air quality health index (

The Air quality alert also states that wearing a mask may not be as good a defence from the smoke as some may think.

“Masks may lead to a false sense of security, which may encourage increased physical activity and time spent outdoors, meaning increased exposure to smoke,” the alert read. “They can also make breathing more difficult.”

It is suggested to go to a public, air-conditioned place if your home does not have air-conditioning, and to keep windows closed to avoid letting smoke into buildings.

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